Join the

Spirit of HPU Bands

Calling all aspiring musicians and passionate performers! Discover how you can be a part of the extraordinary Spirit of High Point University Bands. Let the adventure begin!


For 2025-2026, all band members are required to interview for a spot in the Spirit of HPU band. In addition, we will have playing "tests" to determine part assignments. The Panther Pulse Drum Line will have auditions for spots in the line. The Color Guard will have auditions for admission into their group. We are looking for ways to adopt you into our family, not exclude you from our group! Please give the interview/audition a try!

All Spirit of HPU Band members are required to attend Band Camp in August 2025. (specific dates will be determined by the end of the spring semester) As a member of the Spirit of HPU, you will be able to move in to your room earlier than other students. You will be able to meet new people, explore campus, and start preparing our first show for move-in weekend. Our band members have shared that band camp is one of their favorite times of the year. We work hard! But we also have a LOT of fun! We establish a lot of our work ethic during band camp, and that makes it possible for us to rehearse only 4 hours per week and still prepare quality entertainment. Please make plans to join us at Band Camp.


We are thrilled to hear you want to join us! The first step in the process is filling out the Spirit of HPU Band Commitment Form.

By submitting this form, you will be officially added to our Marching Panthers roster  Congratulations! We cannot wait to make music with you!! Although submitting this form does not commit you to HPU or the Spirit of HPU Band, completing the form will bring you one step closer to officially being added to our roster. We cannot wait to make music with you!!

If you need to make any changes to your information, or are unable to do band for any reason after submitting this form, please email Dr. Frye at and let us know so we can adjust our records.

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